BJP president Amit Shah called up Uddhav Thackeray on Friday, amid Shiv Sena’s new-found buoyancy following the nature of the electoral verdict in Maharashtra. A source said that Shah indicated to the Sena chief about his plans to visit Mumbai after Diwali. BJP and Sena did not officially comment on the Shah-Thackeray telephonic conversation.
Shah’s call came a day after the Sena chief demanded a 50:50 power-sharing agreement and lined up a wish list, which included more ministerial berths in the Union Cabinet and a free hand for Sena in the next Brihan Mumbai Corporation polls.
Shah’s call came a day after the Sena chief demanded a 50:50 power-sharing agreement and lined up a wish list, which included more ministerial berths in the Union Cabinet and a free hand for Sena in the next Brihan Mumbai Corporation polls. There is also speculation that the Sena and NCP leaders were in touch. The scheduled meeting of newly-elected Sena MLAs on Saturday is expected to take a tactically vague position.