BJP president Amit Shah said on Tuesday the government was seized of the issue of rising fuel prices and consumers will get some relief in three or four days. “The government is seriously looking into the issue. On Wednesday Petroleum Minister (Dharmendra Pradhan) is meeting with heads of petroleum companies. I am hopeful that something will happen in 3-4 days,” he said. He was addressing the press here on the rural outreach campaign undertaken by the BJP to ensure the delivery of seven flagship schemes of the Modi government in 16,500 villages.
The schemes are the Ujjwala Yojana or free cooking gas connections to below poverty line households, the Ujaala yojana of free LED bulb distribution, Jan Dhan or financial inclusion scheme, the Saubhagya yojana of rural electrification, Jeevan Jyoti or low premium life insurance schemes, Suraksha Bima Yojana or accidental death coverage, and the mission indradhanush of immunisation for children below two years and pregnant women.