BJP leader and Union Home Minister Amit Shah will flag off two Vijay Sankalp Rath Yatras in poll-bound Karnataka. Ahead of the upcoming Assembly polls, the BJP has planned four such Yatras in the state. The first was inaugurated by BJP national president J P Nadda at Male Mahadeshwara Hills in Chamarajanagar district on Wednesday, and the second by Defence Minister Rajnath Singh at Nandgad in Belagavi district on Thursday.
According to the state BJP, Shah will on Friday fly from Bengaluru to Basavakalyan in Bidar district, where the third yatra will be launched at noon. He will then attend a political rally there. Shah will return to Bengaluru and visit the Chennakeshava Temple located at Avathi, near Devanahalli. He will then flag off the fourth yatra and address a rally at Devanahalli.