If you are not getting success even after working hard or there is some problem in the house, then the vastu of your house can be responsible to some extent for this. If the architecture of your house is bad, then you may have to face many problems in life, such as poor health, problems in the workplace, loss of cube, stress, problems in servants and business, etc. For this, some remedies have been mentioned in Vastu Shastra, which you can complete without breaking the house and are the ultimate help in the peace of the house. Let’s know about these remedies of Vastu …
Activate this direction
According to Vastu Shastra, the north-eastern corner of the house (also called in the northeast angle) should be activated. For this, you put a picture of flying birds, rivers or a picture of the rising sun. According to Vastu Shastra, always keep in mind that the northeast angle should always be clean. By doing this, the effect of positive energy remains in the house and negative energy is reduced.
Put red bulbs in this direction.
If your kitchen is in the wrong place according to Vastu, then put a red bulb in the fire angle (the southeast angle is called the middle of the east-south) and carefully light this bulb every morning and evening. By doing this, the vastu defect of the kitchen is removed and happiness and prosperity come in the house. The kitchen is the main source of energy, so this remedy of Vastu will be very useful for you.
Place Saturn Yantra in this direction
If there is any defect in the west direction of your house, then you can install Shani Yantra in this direction. After this, you can do any auspicious work. The west direction can be kept high, square or rectangular.
Put a picture of Hanuman ji in this direction.
If any defect is found in the northwest direction (the northwest angle is located between north and west), then put a picture of Hanumanji in this direction and recite Hanuman Chalisa in front of the picture every day. Along with this, you can also keep a bouquet of fresh flowers or an aquarium.
Put a picture of Ganesha in this direction.
If a defect is found in the southeast corner of the house, then you can put an idol or picture of Ganesha in this direction. Also, you can plant a money plant in this direction. By doing this, there is never a shortage of money in the house and there is a feeling of love between the family members. In this direction, you can also set up venus yantra.
Put this picture in the east direction of the house.
According to Vastu Shastra, if the people of the house are often ill or there is some problem, then it may be due to the Vastu defect of the east direction of your house. In this direction, you should put a picture of the rising sun or it will be beneficial to put a picture of the sun riding on a seven-horse chariot. It removes vastu defects in this direction and brings positivity. Also, keep in mind that there should never be darkness in this direction.
About Astrologer Harish Tiwari
With over a decade of experience in Vedic astrology, Harish Tiwari is a renowned astrologer who helps clients worldwide with a range of issues. In addition to his 22 years of experience in journalism, corporate, and Vedic astrology, Prashna, Varnakarinika and lots of vidha of astrology. Astrologer Harish is also associated with various astrology platforms like zoomtventertainment.com (times group venture), khaskahabar.com, www.khabarindia.in and www.astrojigyasa.in. He has the experience and knowledge to help one with problems related to love life, career, finance, or health. He can be contacted at 06392091300.

Astrologer Harish Tiwari