The Uttar Pradesh government led by Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday announced Rs 30,729-crore loan waiver for small and marginal farmers in the state, minister Siddharth Nath Singh said.Focusing on farmers’ welfare, the government said it will set up 5,000 wheat procurement centres in UP, Shrikant Sharma, another minister in the Adityanath cabinet, said after the newly elected government’s first cabinet meeting.
The government will buy 80 lakh metric tonnes of wheat from farmers, Sharma said, adding 40 lakh metric tonnes will be bought in the first phase. A three-minister committee too was formed to decide how to help potato farmers and devise a system of potato purchase.
It was also decided that a group of ministers will study the industrial policies of other states to come up with its own plan. The government also formed a three-minister committee to discuss how to check illegal mining.