The Uttar Pradesh government announced on Friday security measures and Rs 1 lakh for a woman who was allegedly forced to drink acid by two men on board a train, marking the fourth such attack on her by the same group of suspects.Chief minister Yogi Adityanath visited the family members of the woman on Friday. Women welfare minister Rita Bahuguna Joshi announced the woman and her daughter will get security cover.
The alleged crime came to light after the woman got off the Allahabad-Lucknow Ganga Gomti Express at Lucknow’s Charbagh station on Thursday morning and managed to scribble her plight on a piece of paper, which she gave to the government railway police.
The two suspects got on the train on the outskirts of Lucknow and forced her to drink acid around 10.30am on Thursday, sources said. “Acid probably entered her body and her throat area seems to be affected. She is unable to speak and is in tremendous pain,” said Ashish, a volunteer at Lucknow’s Sheroes Hangout Café, an outlet run by acid attack survivors where the woman worked.