Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath today batted for inclusion of B R Ambedkar in the syllabus saying instead of only giving holidays on the anniversaries of stalwarts, students should be imparted knowledge about these personalities.
“A personality like Ambedkar should get a place in the syllabus. Instead of giving holidays on the anniversaries of stalwarts, on such days the students should be imparted with the knowledge about these great personalities. This will also enable the younger generation to seek inspiration from these stalwarts,” he said.
He was speaking at the Ambedkar Mahasabha here on the occasion of death anniversary of the architect of the Constitution. Adityanath also said that “social and economic disparity is a curse for the society” and hence “we all are making efforts for creation of an egalitarian society”.He said pictures of Ambedkar will be put in every government office of Uttar Pradesh.He stressed on his government’s commitment to provide toilets to every person, in order to put an end to the practice of manual scavenging.