Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, announcing the Union Budget for 2019-20 in Parliament on Friday, said India will become a $3 trillion economy this year. The government planned structural reforms to kickstart foreign and domestic investment, the Finance Minister said. “We need to invest heavily in infrastructure, digital economy, job creation,” she asserted. Public-private partnership (PPP) for railways, increased FDI in media and aviation, the issuance of Aadhaar cards to NRIs without a waiting period of 180 days on arrival, and schemes to provide power, water and clean cooking facilities for all were among the highlights of her speech.Ms Sitharaman said non-resident Indians (NRIs) may get Aadhaar cards on arrival, without the mandatory waiting period. NRIs currently need to have spent 180 days to be eligible for an Aadhaar card.The government will invest heavily in infrastructure and job creation, Ms Sitharaman said in her Budget speech. The government will upgrade 125,000 kilometres of roads over the next five years at a cost of $11.6 billion, she added.