Union petroleum minister Dharmendra Pradhan on Thursday said BJP will comfortably win the Bijepur byelection in Bargarh district. The byelection was necessitated following death of Congress legislator Subal Sahu. Addressing media persons here at party headquarters, Dharmendra said be it Bijepur or 2019 assembly elections, Odia people will reject BJD for its inefficiency and ineffectiveness.
“The BJP is fully confident to win the Bijepur byelection. There is a widespread resentment among people against the local government here and we believe that people will give a clear mandate. Bijepur byelection will be the victory of the Odia people,” Dharmendra said. The Union minister also said BJP will repeat its success in 2019 assembly elections too. Dharmendra said results of the panchayat election were a clear indication regarding end of a long ineffective government in Odisha,” he said.