Chief minister Aditya Nath Yogi on Thursday rehabilitated nearly half a dozen senior IAS officers, who had been put on the waiting list after the first major reshuffle about two months ago. Among those who were given posting on Thursday are Navneet Sehgal, Anita Singh and Rama Raman, who were holding key positions during the Samajwadi Party rule.
Sehgal has been given the charge of khadi and village industry, Anita Singh integrated rural development while Rama Raman has been made commissioner and director of handloom and textiles, Kanpur. Also, former LDA VC Satyedra Singh, who was also put in the waiting list, has been made special secretary, national integration.
Sehgal was one of the most influential bureaucrats during the SP regime and is credited with completing the then CM Akhilesh Yadav’s dream project Lucknow-Agra Expressway in record 22 months. He met with a major accident during an inspection of the expressway before its inauguration and was airlifted to Delhi for treatment. Apart from being the CEO, UPEIDA, Sehgal was also the principal secretary of information department, looking after publicity and image building of the government, and in charge of tourism department.