Prime Minister Narendra Modi will attend the concluding ceremony of Narmada Yatra– aimed at creating awareness programme for conservation of Narmada river– in Madhya Pradesh. The Yatra is scheduled to conclude in Amarkantak, from where the river originates, on May 15. Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan today met the Prime Minister and requested his presence in the event.
“The PM has accepted the invitation and agreed to come to Amarkantak on May 15,” a press release issued by MP government quoted Chouhan as having said.The Yatra had started from December 11, 2016 and it was slated to end on May 11. It is now scheduled to conclude on May 15.
Under the ongoing campaign, the state government has conducted a drive against liquor shops within five kilometres of Narmada’s banks.A stretch of 1831-km on southern bank comprising 548 villages/towns and 1513-km on northern bank comprising 556 village/towns were covered under the campaign.