For addressing anomalies in the existing Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) Act and to boost farmers’ income, the Niti Aayog has called a wmeeting of state agriculture ministers later this month where the new model APMC Act would be unveiled.
Sources told FE that the revamped model APMC Act, would likely to include provisions for single-point levy of taxes, uniformity in mandi taxes, delisting of fruits and vegetables out of the APMC ambit, electronic trading and allowing private players to have their own market yard.
The new proposed act would likely to remove the concept of notified market or mandi area which will enable farmers to sell their produce to highest bidder. The entire state would likely to be treated as one market for promotion of contract farming. At present states such as Punjab and Haryana levy 14% taxes, including VAT, mandis taxes etc on the grain purchased from the farmers which drives away private procurers of the commodity.