Union Home Minister Amit Shah will be arriving in poll bound Karnataka’s Hubballi-Dharwad and Belagavi on January 28 to attend various events and take part in a road show organised by the BJP. The visit to what is known as Kittur-Karnataka (Mumbai-Karnataka) region, where BJP is considerably strong, is the second such by Shah to the state within a month.
The Karnataka unit of BJP hopes this tour and more such visits by the BJP leadership in the days to come, will help the party in mobilising its cadre base and achieve its mission 150 target (winning at least 150 out of 224 seats) in the assembly polls due by May, and come back to power.
“Amit Shah will be arriving and staying in Hubballi on January 27, and on January 28 morning there are two progrmammes, one is KLE’s BVB college’s 75 years anniversary and inauguration of an indoor stadium, then he will laying foundation for Forensic Science Laboratory in Dharwad,” Karnataka BJP General Secretary Mahesh Tenginkai said.