Chief minister Yogi Adityanath on Wednesday gave a lesson or two in governance to ministers of state (independent charge) and ministers of state here on Wednesday. He asked the ministers incharge of various departments to sign the files themselves and share work with their juniors.
“Ministers incharge should sign the files themselves before sending them to his office and send the files just signed by the ministers of state. Allocate and share work with your ministers of state,” Yogi Adityanath said at meetings with the MoS (independent charge) and ministers of state at his official residence here.
Yogi got feedback from the ministers about the performance of their respective departments in the past six months. He asked them to work out a road map for the future to meet aspirations of the people of Uttar Pradesh. Yogi Adityanath said the ministers should tour the areas allocated to them and take the state government’s achievements to the people.
“The chief minister got the feedback of the past six months and discussed plans for next six months. Every minister has been asked to tour their respective areas at least twice a week and take the state government’s achievements of the past six months to the people and meet their expectations,” said a minister of state (independent charge) on condition of anonymity.