Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Thursday reviewed the situation prevailing in Jammu and Kashmir, including the security arrangements along the border with Pakistan, officials said. National Security Adviser (NSA) Ajit Doval, Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha, Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla and senior officials of the Centre and the Union Territory administration attended the meeting chaired by Shah.
The meeting discussed the security situation in Jammu and Kashmir, an official said. The security review comes following attacks on security personnel, infiltration bids and killings in the Union Territory. Three infiltrators were killed by security personnel along the Line of Control (LoC) in the Kamalkote sector of Uri on Thursday.
There have been at least three infiltration bids by terrorists from across the border in the last four days in Jammu and Kashmir. A group of terrorists tried to infiltrate into the Indian territory in the Pallanwala sector of Jammu and Kashmir on Tuesday night. Alert troops fired at them, forcing them to retreat. On August 21, soldiers deployed in the Jhangar sector of Rajouri’s Naushera spotted the movement of two to three terrorists on the Indian side of the LoC and challenged them, the officials said. One of the terrorists tried to flee, but was injured in firing by the soldiers and captured alive. The two other terrorists managed to flee, the officials said.