Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath launched a plantation drive, under which 25 crore saplings were to be planted across the state on Tuesday. The chief minister launched the drive by planting peepal, banyan and pakad (harishankari) saplings in Manikpur development block of Chitrakoot district, and said 35 crore saplings would be planted in the state this year.
State ministers took part in the campaign by planting saplings in different districts. Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya was scheduled to attend a tree plantation drive in Ayodhya but his visit was cancelled due to a technical snag in his helicopter. Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak took part in a similar programme in Prayagraj.
BJP state president and Jal Shakti Minister Swatantra Dev Singh joined the campaign in Gorakhpur and Finance Minister Suresh Khanna in Meerut. According to an official statement, while addressing the function in Chitrakoot, the chief minister said that under the leadership and guidance of the prime minister, the state government is committed for the overall development of the entire Bundelkhand region, including Chitrakoot.