Chief minister Yogi Adityanath directed officials of the district administration to dispose of people’s grievances on a priority basis, during the Janata Darshan programme organized at Hindu Seva Ashram on the Goraknath temple premises . Over 800 people from various parts of the district came to meet the CM at the programme.
“The large turnout of the people in Janata Darshan clearly indicates that officers are not disposing of complaints at the police station, tehsil or district headquarters level. Some people are coming to this programme regularly as officers have failed to redress their grievances. Officers should ensure that common people get justice,” said the CM.
Majority of the complaints were regarding land disputes while several people had come for financial aid for treatment in hospitals. The CM directed officers to make an estimate of people seeking financial aid for treatment and send it to the Chief Minister Office for release of funds from CM Discretionary Fund.