Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman at the Silicon Valley invited investors to be part of the country’s growth story while pitching for collaboration with the US in financial services and emerging technologies.
Speaking at a round table hosted by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and the US Chamber of Commerce’s US-India Business Council (USIBC), she said financial technology (fintech) represents a unique opportunity for sustainable and inclusive growth.
“With a growth forecast of almost 8 per cent in FY 2023, India is likely to remain the world’s fastest growing major economy over the next few years, driven by the continued expansion of its technology and start-up ecosystems,” Ms. Sitharaman told a group of eminent corporate executives in the Silicon Valley.
“The US-India collaboration in financial services and emerging technologies will support increased investment and innovation, and fintech represents a unique opportunity for sustainable and inclusive growth,” said the finance minister as she invited leading investors to become part of the India growth story.