UP power minister Shrikant Sharma on Monday ordered serving of show cause notice to directors of Madhyanchal and Paschimanchal power distribution companies and chief engineers of 10 districts, including Lucknow and Noida, over poor consumer service, failure to curb line losses and not providing power as per schedule.
Presiding over a review meeting to assess the power supply situation, Sharma ordered the officials to bring down the line losses in 2,442 electricity feeders (1,232 in Madhyanchal and 1,010 in Paschimanchal) in 30 days. He said the state government could ensure round the clock power supply only by bringing down line losses.
Sharma expressed displeasure over a large number of complaints related to wrong billing and delay in redressal of complaints. He said such instances were denting the image of UP Power Corporation Limited. He asked the managing directors of the distribution companies to dispatch special teams to get the issues examined. He reiterated FIRs be lodged against agencies issuing wrong bills and asked UPPCL chairman Arvind Kumar to supervise the whole exercise.