Rajasthan VAT On Petrol And Diesel Highest In Country



It’s just not electricity rates in Rajasthan that are highest in the country. Comparative VAT (Value Added Tax) rates across states in the country show that people in the state cough up the highest VAT on petrol and diesel. People in Rajasthan pay 38 per cent VAT on petrol and 28 per cent on diesel which is highest in the country, while the fuels attract road development cess of Rs 1,500 and Rs 17 per kilo litre, respectively.

The resentment of the people is palpable. They said they are paying for the government’s populist policies. Even though the crude oil prices are low, there is no benefit for them, many said. “Cost of living has gone up significantly because of the government’s wrong policies. I have to cut back on travelling even if it means facing hardships and inconvenience every day. This is a problem people face because petrol and diesel are a daily need,” said Ashish Tiwari, employee of a telecom company.


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