The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)-led Delhi government on Tuesday approved a scheme for the home delivery of ration supplies, fulfilling a key election promise made earlier this year. Announcing the Mukhyamantri Ghar Ghar Ration Yojana scheme after a cabinet meeting, chief minister (CM) Arvind Kejriwal said the scheme, once launched, will also be synced with the central government’s ‘One Nation, One Ration Card’ scheme for inter-state portability of ration cards. The entire process will take 6-7 months to implement, Kejriwal said. Beneficiaries will still be able to choose to collect their ration from shops. Under home delivery, aata (flour) will be given instead of wheat. Ration packets will be prepared and delivered to beneficiaries’ doorstep.
“In the country, every government, along with the central government, distributes ration to the poor. There are a lot of problems in the distribution of ration. Since the AAP government has come, we have eased some of those problems. The decision taken by the cabinet today is a revolutionary step. We have approved the Mukhyamantri Ghar Ghar Ration Yojana. Under this scheme, ration will be delivered to people’s homes with respect,” Kejriwal said while addressing a digital press conference.