India is at a “good position” in the battle against the coronavirus pandemic and the country will fight the disease with determination and enthusiasm, Union Home Minister Amit Shah said. Shah spoke after participating in a mega plantation drive initiated by the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) that has a target to plant about 1.37 crore saplings in their country-wide campuses by this month-end.
“The world is seeing that if a successful battle has been fought anywhere across the globe against the coronavirus it is India under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi,” he said .”It was feared that how would a large country like ours would face this challenge given that we have a federal structure of governance, dense population of 130 crore people and no single chain of command,” Shah said.
He was speaking after planting a peepal tree at the CRPF officers’ training academy campus in Kadarpur village here. The 130 crore people of the country, all the states and every individual fought this battle against COVID-19 as one nation, he said.Across the globe, governments are fighting this disease but in our country everyone has joined hands, Shah said.