India’s coronavirus tally has crossed the six lakh-mark after more than 19,000 new infections and 434 deaths were recorded in the last 24 hours. More than 3.5 lakh patients have recovered so far. The country’s average positivity rate stood at 8.34 per cent this morning; recovery rate stood at 59.51 per cent.
More than 90 lakh samples have been recorded since January when India reported its first coronavirus patient. The country has a population of nearly 130 crores. On Wednesday, around 2.29 lakh samples were tested across the country.
It took India – the fourth worst-hit nation by the pandemic – 110 days to cross the one lakh-mark in coronavirus cases. Since May 19, when the tally stood at 1,01,139 infections, a huge surge has been recorded in new patients every day. The country crossed the 2 lakh-mark on June 3; it recorded 3 lakh total cases in the next 10 days. India had logged 4 lakh cases by June 21. On June 27, the tally stood at 5.08 total cases.