Petrol and diesel prices were increased on Monday, the sixteenth straight hike after state-owned oil marketing companies returned to daily reviews from June 7 following an 82-day gap. With the latest hike, petrol price has gone up by Rs 8.30 and diesel by Rs 9.22. Petrol will cost Rs 79.56 for every litre after the price was increased by 33 paise and diesel has been priced at Rs 78.85 per litre followed by a 58 paise increase in Delhi.
According to state-run oil marketing companies, petrol in Mumbai has been increased to Rs 86.36 per litre and diesel to Rs 77.24. In Chennai, petrol will cost Rs 82.87 per litre and diesel Rs 76.30. Petrol in Kolkata has been priced at Rs 81.27 and diesel at Rs 74.14.