The Madhya Pradesh government has decided to impose a fine of Rs 2,000 on those violating the home quarantine norms for COVID-19 in the state. In an order issued on Wednesday, the state health department also said that in case of violation of the norms for the second time, the person would be shifted from home to a quarantine centre.
According to the central government’s guidelines, people should be home-quarantined in mild and pre-symptomatic COVID-19 cases. An undertaking is also taken in suspected COVID-19 cases that the person would follow the home quarantine norms, it said. “A fine of Rs 2,000 would be imposed on the person who violates the home quarantine norms for the first time,” the order said. The person who violates these norms for the second time will be sent to a quarantine centre or a COVID care centre, it said.