Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh may be continuing to witness an increase in Covid-19 cases with the return of migrant workers to their native places, but the Centre has expressed satisfaction over the recovery rate among patients in these three states exceeding 50% and over key urban centres showing an improvement on this count.
MP has reported a 51% recovery rate among Covid-19 patients while Rajasthan has done better at 54% and UP is the best among the three states with a 56% recovery rate. In all these states, the number of active cases is hence below the number of recovered patients. The national recovery rate stands at about 42%.
Besides, the major urban centres worst affected by coronavirus in these three states have seen an improvement in recovery rates. Jaipur and Jodhpur in Rajasthan have reported recovery rates of 65% and 69% respectively while the figures for Indore and Bhopal in MP are 47% and 63% respectively. In UP, Agra has reported an 85% recovery rate while Meerut and Noida both stand at 66%.