The number of novel coronavirus cases in the country rose to 147 on Wednesday, with 10 fresh cases reported from various parts of the country, according to the Health Ministry. The cases include 25 foreign nationals and the three persons who died in Delhi, Karnataka and Maharashtra.
Over 5,700 people, who had come in contact with these positive cases, are under rigorous surveillance, the Ministry said.Delhi has so far reported ten positive cases which includes one foreigner while Uttar Pradesh has recorded 16 cases, including one foreigner.
Maharashtra has 41 cases, including 3 foreigners, while Kerala has recorded 27 cases which includes two foreign nationals.Karnataka has 11 coronavirus patients. The number of cases in Ladakh rose to 8 and Jammu and Kashmir three. Telangana has reported five cases which includes two foreigners.Rajasthan has also reported four cases including that of two foreigners. Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Uttarakhand and Punjab have reported one case each.