The government will sanction the entire 1.12 crore houses under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) by next month, Union Housing and Urban Affairs Minister Hardeep Singh Puri said in Rajya Sabha on Wednesday. “A revised demand assessment was made and now the demand is for 1.12 crore houses. I am sure we can meet that in terms of sanctioning in the next month or so,” he said during the Question Hour in the Upper House.
The initial demand was to sanction and construct 1 crore houses by March 2022, he said.The Minister informed that so far, 32 lakh houses have been handed over to beneficiaries, while 60 lakh units are under construction that will be ready in next 12-18 months. “This figure (handing over) will rise quickly as 60 lakh homes are at a very rapid stage of completion,” he added.