Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has announced that Indian Railways will set up a Kisan Rail via the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model. The freight trains will help easy movement of perishable products of farmers. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has begun her Railway Budget 2020 speech as part of her Union Budget 2020 speech. Will Railway Budget 2020 hike passenger fares? Will new trains be announced in India Rail Budget 2020? Indian Railways is the lifeline of the country and the common man, like every year, is expecting big announcements from the Rail Budget 2020. Railway Budget 2020 is expected to lay out the roadmap for an investment of Rs 50 lakh crore by 2030 in the Indian Railways network.
Railway Budget 2020 will focus on key infrastructure projects such as world-class ETCS signalling, need for private trains on the Indian Railways network, doubling and tripling of tracks for capacity expansion, construction of Dedicated Freight Corridors (DFCs) for speeding up freight trains and decongesting the network and launching more bullet train projects for high-speed railway connectivity. FM Sitharaman is also expected to highlight Piyush Goyal-led Railway Ministry’s continued focus on safety, and how the number of consequential railway accidents has come down drastically.