Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said the coming decade belongs to the youth and lauded them for believing in the system and questioning it when it does not respond properly. Addressing his last ‘Mann ki Baat’ of 2019, the prime minister said the youth hate anarchy and disorder and dislike casteism, nepotism and favouritism, remarks that come in the backdrop of recent violent protests in various university campuses over the Citizenship Amendment Act and proposed NRC.
“According to me, they appreciate the system. Not just that, they prefer to follow the system. And in the event of the system not responding properly, they get restless and even courageously question the system itself! I consider this attribute as a virtue.”One can even say with certitude here, that the country’s youth detests anarchy of any sort. They despise any element of lack of governance and instability; abhorring any shades of nepotism, casteism, favouritism or gender discrimination,” he said.
He hoped the young India will play a key role in building modern India in the coming decade and cited Swami Vivekananda, who had said that young people who are full of energy and dynamism, possess the power to usher in change.”I am of the firm belief that for India, this decade will be, not only about development and progress of the youth; it will also prove to be about the country’s progress, harnessing their collective might. This generation will play a major role in modernizing India; I feel it beyond any doubt,” he said.