Prime Minister Narendra Modi Monday cautioned the people of Jharkhand against the Congress and its allies and alleged that they have intentions to push the state to uncertainty and darkness. Modi, who was addressing a poll rally at Bokaro, compared Jharkhand to a youth attaining 19 years and its citizens its gaurdian and appealed to the people of the tribal state to vote for the BJP government for the second time in a row.
Cautioning the people of Jharkhand against the Congress and its allies from pushing the state into uncertainty and darkness, Modi said The BJP alone can give a stable govt.He asked the people to compare the situation before Raghubar Das became the chief minister in 2014 and now and said that it was necessary to understand the corruption by the Congress and JMM.
Modi said that the BJP broke the network of corruption by the Congress and RJD in the state when middlemen used to swindle people in welfare schemes like housing, ration cards, LPG connections and pensions.The Congress and the RJD had supported the Madhu Koda government between 2006 and 2008. He has been convicted in a coal block allocation scam case and has been given three-year jail term. He has also been accused in money laundering cases registered by the Enforcement Directorate and disproportionate assets case registered by the state vigilance department.