Four review petitions supported by the All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) were filed on Friday against the Supreme Court’s 9 November Ram-Janmabhoombh-Babri-Masjid land title dispute verdict. The review petitions were filed by Maulana Mufti Hasbullah, Mohd Umar, Maulana Mahfoozur Rehman and Mishbahuddin.
The petitioners have challenged the title of the land being given to Hindu parties, arguing that Hindus never had exclusive possession of the entire site. They added that the apex court’s judgement has, in fact, given directions to clear the existing structure that remains after the Babri Masjid was demolished at the site in December 1992.“The de jure, indeed de facto, effect of the direction in the judgement is to destroy the mosque if it still existed,” the petitioners argued.