Petroleum minister Dharmendra Pradhan on Wednesday said that the Centre has made no direct investment in Paradip Refinery through budgetary allocation. Replying to a question raised by BJD Rajya Sabha MP Sasmit Patra regarding the total investment made by the Centre in Indian Oil Corporation Limited’s Paradip Refinery in the last five years, Pradhan said there was no such investment made.
Asked about the total investment made by the Centre for the development of the Petroleum Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment Region (PCPIR) in Paradip, Pradhan stated that Odisha PCPIR was approved in December 2010 and the Memorandum of Association was signed between the Government of India and Odisha in November, 2011. “An investment of Rs 45,000 crore have already been made on manufacturing and infrastructure development. Indian Oil Corporation’s 15 million metric tonnes per annum (MMTPA) refinery at Paradip was commissioned in February, 2016,” Pradhan replied.Patra also asked about the present operational status at IOCL Paradip and PCPIR region and their future plan.