A day after the Supreme Court delivered its verdict on decades-old Ayodhya dispute, BJP working president J P Nadda on Sunday said that several long-pending issues have reached their logical end under the Modi government. Issues like Article 370, GST, triple talaq have reached “logical conclusion” under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Nadda told reporters during a press conference.
Nadda also said the Ayodhya verdict has been welcomed by all sections of the society. Every section of the society has been very positive, he said.It may be noted that issues like Ayodhya land dispute, scrapping of the Article 370 and triple talaq have been settled in favour of the stand taken by the BJP and its Hindutva affiliates.While the court verdict resolved the Ayodhya issue in favour of Hindutva bodies, which had laid claim on the disputed site for building a Ram temple — a demand backed by the BJP since 1989 — the Modi government has used its massive majority in Lok Sabha to nullify Article 370 and criminalise the practice of triple talaq by Muslim men.