Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Monday said that the government is committed to provide energy security to India. “….Here is the government which is committed for energy security for India. Energy security, which is not blindly using non-environment friendly sources,” Sitharaman said addressing India Energy Forum CERAWeek Summit here.
The third India Energy Forum by CERAWeek has been organised in association with the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas from October 13 to 15.The Summit, gives a platform to examine the fundamental challenges and opportunities to provide sustainable, secure and affordable energy choices to the people of India.
Stating that India’s energy sector and energy commitment pose a lot of challenges, the Finance Minister gave a reference of thermal units which are still dependent on coal and said that the concerned Ministry is “moving away from coal base to open renewable sources of energy”. “We have a leadership politically committed to make sure that every Indian gets the basic energy requirements as shown by Prime Minister Narendra Modi,” she said.