Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said though the world was faced with a “challenging time” India is stronger to deal with the same. He also said the rural economy was not paid attention to earlier unlike his government has done and added that Rs 25 lakh crore will be spent on the development of infrastructure in villages.
Addressing a poll rally at Sakoli in Bhandara district of Maharashtra, Modi said in earlier days schemes were worked out on caste and community considerations. “However, for my government, only people matter,” he said, adding that farmers, the poor and deprived sections are the focus of his schemes.
The prime minister said his government was working with a new energy towards creating the identity of a “New India”, thanks to the huge mandate his party and allies received during the Lok Sabha polls held earlier this year.”We are working new energy for creating new identity of New India. The world is faced with a challenging time now.
But India is stronger now to deal with the challenge. This is because of the trust you have reposed. This trust is inspiring us to take big decisions. Such decisions people earlier were scared of taking,” Modi said.In the run-up to elections, the ruling BJP has been fighting the Opposition’s allegations of “failure” to revive the “sagging economy”.In an apparent jibe at the Congress, which had mostly ruled Maharashtra since its formation in 1960, Modi said “divisive politics” has now become history in the state.