The government on Thursday appointed new Chief Justices for seven High Courts. Four of the new Chief Justices would fill the vacancies left by Justices V. Ramasubramanian, Krishna Murari, S. Ravindra Bhat and Hrishikesh Roy, who were elevated to the Supreme Court recently from the Himachal Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana, Rajasthan, and Kerala High Courts, respectively.
Justice Lingappa Narayana Swamy, Karnataka High Court judge, has been appointed as Chief Justice of the Himachal Pradesh High Court in place of Justice Ramasubramanian. Justice Ravi Shanker Jha, Acting Chief Justice of the Madhya Pradesh High Court, has been appointed as Chief Justice of the Punjab and Haryana High Court. Justice Jha will replace Justice Krishna Murari.
Justice Indrajit Mohanty of the Bombay High Court will take over as the Chief Justice of the Rajasthan High Court from Justice Bhat. Justice Arup K. Goswami, Gauhati High Court judge, has been appointed as Sikkim High Court Chief Justice and Justice Ajai Lamba, Allahabad High Court judge, has been appointed as Chief Justice of the Gauhati High Court.
Justice J.K. Maheshwari of the Madhya Pradesh High Court has been appointed as Andhra Pradesh High Court Chief Justice. Justice S. Manikumar of the Madras High Court has been appointed as the Chief Justice of the Kerala High Court in place of Justice Hrishikesh Roy.