Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das and Union Petroleum Minister Dharmendra Pradhan will launch CNG supply stations in Ranchi today. K.B. Singh, Executive Director of GAIL, the eastern region said that the Union Minister launch the CNG stations at Madhuvan Bihar and Kakuri of Ranchi along with Chief Minister Raghubar Das and Union Tribal Affairs Minister Arjun Munda. According to news agency IANS, the natural gas will reach Ranchi in special containers which will be transported by road from Patna. Later the natural gas will be supplied through Jamshedpur-Haldia and Bokaro-Dharama natural gas pipeline which is popularly known as Pradhan Mantri Urja Ganga.
The CNG pipeline which is under construction will be completed by December 2020. The government will set up 22 CNG stations at Ranchi and Jamshedpur in Jharkhand with GAIL gas supply to 10.46 lakh households. In order to supply CNG to over 1.25 lakh vehicles and piped natural gas, the City Gas Distribution (CGD) project will be taken up along with Pradhan Mantri Urja Ganga pipeline.