Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said the Bharat Ratna conferred on former president Pranab Mukherjee is a fitting recognition for his service to the nation. “It was an honour to witness you receiving the Bharat Ratna, a fitting recognition of everything that you have done for the nation.Thank you for leaving no stone unturned towards making India more developed.,” Modi tweeted
Mukherjee was conferred the highest civilian award by his successor Ram Nath Kovind on Thursday. He has been the fifth president to receive this award. He was greeted on receiving the accolade by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu and a slew of other leaders who were present at the ceremony. The 83-year-old served as India’s 13th President from 2012-2017, but prior to his election to the post, Mukherjee also served as the Union Finance Minister from 2009 to 2012.As Finance Minister, Mukherjee signed the letter appointing Manmohan Singh as Governor of the Reserve Bank of India. Acclaimed Assamese singer Bhupen Hazarika and RSS leader Nanaji Deshmukh were conferred the award posthumously.