The Uttar Pradesh government on Tuesday decided to plant a record 22 crore saplings in the state on August Kranti Diwas, complete with their ‘geotagging’ to keep an eye over their growth. The decision was taken by the state Cabinet in its meeting today chaired by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, said government spokesperson Sidharth Nath Singh.
“On August 9, the Kranti Diwas’, the state is going to make a record by planting 22 crore saplings to make the earth greener,” Singh told reporters while briefing them about the Cabinet decisions. He said all saplings will be also be geotagged to monitor their growth and location. Asked if the the government has contacted the Guinness Book of World Record on its initiative, Singh said, “We haven’t approached them, but they will surely take note of it.