Union Home Minister Amit Shah said that in the next five years, India would be the third biggest economy in the world. Shah was speaking at the second ground breaking ceremony in Lucknow, which saw the launch of more than 250 projects worth Rs.65,000 crore.
He said that in the past five years, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had taken the country’s economy to the fifth position from the 11th position. The Home Minister added that Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath had translated dreams into reality in a short period and congratulated him for improving the atmosphere in the state, including the law and order situation. He also said that Uttar Pradesh was all set to play a major role in the country’s economy.
Adityanath said that he had made concerted efforts to establish connect with capitalists and industrialists. He said that the investment of Rs. 65,000 crore would create three lakh jobs in the state. Shah said Prime Minister Narendra Modi has set the target for the country to be among the top three economies in the world in the next five years.