Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman Friday said corporate India is a job creator as well as wealth creator and called for public private partnership to develop rail infrastructure. Presenting the the first Budget of the Modi 2.0 government Sitharaman said, 657 km of metro rail network has become operational across country while railway infrastructure will need Rs 50 lakh crore investment till 2030.
Saying that schemes such as Bharat Mala, Sagarmala and UDAN (Ude Desh Ka Aam Nagrik) are bridging rural urban divide and improving transport infrastructure, she said “public private partnership to be unleased to develop rail infrastructure”. The finance minister said as the world’s third largest aviation market, time is ripe to enter aircraft financing and leasing from Indian shores. She further noted that last mile delivery stood out and asserted that the government’s objective has been and continues to be “Mazboot desh ke liye mazboot nagarik”. “The target of USD 5 trillion economy in next few years is imminently achievable,” she noted.