Dharmendra Pradhan, who took over the charge of the steel ministry on May 31, held a review meeting with senior officials and discussed key challenges being faced by the steel sector. “Met with the officials of @SteelMinIndia (Ministry of Steel) and discussed strategic roadmap and key initiatives in the sector. Steel has been a major contributor in India’s economy, we shall work to further strengthen Steel industry in India,” Pradhan said in a tweet.
Several key points regarding the working of the ministry and various sectoral functions were discussed at length by the both Union Steel Minister Dharmendra Pradhan and Minister of State for State Faggansingh Kulaste, Ministry of Steel said in a separate tweet. Steel Secretary Binoy Kumar along with other senior officials were present in the meeting.Besides Steel Minister, Pradhan, 50, is also the Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas in the NDA-II government.