The Delhi Police has beefed up security in parts of the national capital ahead of the May 12 polling and will deploy over 60,000 personnel, including the Home Guards and paramilitary forces, in total to ensure a smooth conduct of the election here. Delhi Police Commissioner Amulya Patnaik told the force has chalked out a detailed plan according to the instructions of the Election Commission of India. The deployment of force will be at polling booths and there will be patrolling by special reserve parties in vulnerable areas, the top cop said. “The model code of conduct will be strictly enforced.
There will be special watch on border areas to foil any attempt to infiltrate by anti-social elements to cause disruption. There will be strict vigil to ensure malpractices like liquor peddling and movement of anti-social elements with a purpose to influence voters do not happen,” Patnaik said. The emphasis will be on giving a prompt response to any complaint received, the Delhi police commissioner added. Anti-terror measures are also in place and special arrangements have been made to check sabotage of polling booths, including election rigging, Madhur Verma, deputy commissioner of police (New Delhi) and also the spokesperson of the force, said.