The government has transferred Rs 5,940 crore as the first instalment of Rs 2,000 each to 29.7 million small and marginal farmers across the country, which is set to fuel the rural economy during the poll season. Over one-third of the beneficiaries – 11.1 million farmers – were in Uttar Pradesh.
“States had sent data of 47.6 million farmers before the code of conduct was enforced. Out of that, we expect to transfer money to 40 million farmers during the election phase. The remaining 7.6 million farmers have been ruled out due to data discrepancies,” a senior agriculture department official said.
The funds are being transferred under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi. The government will start transferring the second instalment from April 1, he said. “With the disbursement of the second instalment, the government is likely to transfer Rs 16,000 crore to farmers under the PM KISAN scheme. Many farmers will get both instalments in April,” he said.