Reduce GST Rate On LPG Conversion Kits To 5 %: Auto LPG Industry



India’s Auto LPG industry has sought a reduction in the goods and services tax (GST) rates on LPG conversion kits for automobiles from the current 28 per cent to five per cent to boost vehicle conversions to the environment-friendly fuel. Indian Auto LPG Coalition, the apex industry body for auto LPG in India, said that high GST rates were hampering conversion to LPG, which is much cleaner transport fuel as compared to petrol.

In a statement, the association said putting an efficient and non-polluting fuel under the highest GST slab is counter-productive to the government’s focus on cleaning India’s urban air quality. The high GST rates are proving detrimental to the conversion industry and hampering the growth of the clean and environment-friendly transport fuel.


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