The Jammu and Kashmir administration withdrew security of 18 separatists and 155 political persons, including PDP leader Wahid Parra and IAS officer Shah Faesal, officials said. The security review meeting, which was held here under the chairmanship of state chief secretary BVR Subrahmanyam, took the decision as it was felt that providing security to these separatist leaders is a “wastage” of scarce state resources which could be better utilised elsewhere. Among the leaders whose security has been downgraded and withdrawn are SAS Geelani, Aga Syed Mosvi, Maulvi Abbas Ansari, Yaseen Malik, Saleem Geelani, Shahid ul Islam, Zaffar Akbar Bhat, Nayeem Ahmed Khan, Mukhtar Ahmad Waza, Farooq Ahmed Kichloo, Masroor Abbas Ansari, Aga Syed Abul Hussain, Abdul Gani Shah and Mohd Musadiq Bhat.This is in addition to the four separatists whose security was withdra wn on Sunday.