India on Friday announced the withdrawal of Most Favoured Nation (MFN) status accorded to Pakistan. The decision comes a day after Pulwama terror attack that left over 40 CRPF jawans dead. Pakistan-based terror group JeM has claimed the responsibility for the attack.“The most favoured nation status to Pakistan stands revoked,” Finance Minister Arun Jaitley told reporters after a meeting of the Cabinet Committee of Security (CCS) at PM Narendra Modi’s residence here.
Jaitley informed that Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) will initiate diplomatic steps to ensure complete isolation of Pakistan in international community. The minister added that those who committed this henious act or supported it will be made to pay a heavy cost. He also informed that government will convene an all party meeting on Saturday to discuss the current situation.
A Jaish suicide bomber Thursday rammed a vehicle carrying over 200 kg of explosives into a bus carrying CRPF personnel in Pulwama district. More than 2,500 CRPF personnel, many of them returning from leave to rejoin duty in the Valley, were travelling in the convoy of 78 vehicles when they were ambushed on the Srinagar-Jammu Highway at Latoomode in Awantipora in south Kashmir around 3.15 pm on Thursday.