The All India Kisan Sabha Tuesday called for ‘Gramin Bharat Bandh’ on January 8 and 9 to protest Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “non-committal” stand on farm loan waiver. In a two-day meeting the Central Kisan Council has taken a resolution to call a two-day Gramin Bharat bandh on January 8 and 9, Ashok Dhawale, president, AIKS, said.
The AIKS is a CPI(M) affiliated farmers’ organisation. “The bandh is in protest against Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s non-committal stand on farmers’ loan waiver issue and rural distress the country has been facing in the last four and half years of the BJP rule,” he said. Dhawale said the landlessness issue is another major problem in rural areas, and alleged that the adivasis and Dalits have borne the brunt of the Modi government’s anti-farmer policy.