Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik fumbled on social media as a tweet praising Netherland Hockey team has wrongly posted by CM’s twitter handle as “Suggested tweet and FB post for CM” as prefix to the tweet. This has once again exposed the perils of social media handles of top politicians being used by some private company people, who don’t have that professional acumen and resorting to just cut-copy-past.
Though team managing CM handle soon realized their blunder and deleted the tweet and posted the rectified one but damage was already done. Twitteraties spent no time to troll the CM with the screenshot of the wrong tweet. Soon after the world cup final match between Belgium and Netherland CM Naveen Patnaik posted a tweet praising team Netherland that lost the final, which says…
Suggested tweet & post for CM:
The @oranjehockey team deserves every bit of our encouragement and praise for putting up a brave fight all through #HWC2018. #Bhubaneswar & #Odisha will reminisce the #Dutch mastery for a long time. Wish them luck for their future conquests. #OdishaCelebratesHockey
But as soon as team realized their error they have rectified the tweet by deleting the first para.